Table (made up
of rows)
(made up of data cells)
Heading Data
(Can contain
paragraphs, images, lists, forms, tables)
Data Cell
(Can contain
paragraphs, images, lists, forms, tables)
Determines the thickness of the
table border
Example: <TABLE BORDER =
Determines the distance between
the border of a cell and the contents of the cell
Determines the empty spacing
between the borders of two adjacent cells
Example: <TABLE CELLSPACING = “1”>
<TABLE border = "1"
Possible values: Center, Left,
Example: <TH ALIGN =
Example: <TD BGCOLOR =
Example: <TR WIDTH = “40%”>
Example: <TABLE HEIGHT =
Determines the vertical alignment
of the contents of all of the cells in a particular row
Possible values: Top, Middle,
Example: <TR VALIGN =
<TH> &
<TD> Attributes
Extend the width of a cell, if
necessary, to fit the contents of the cell in a single line
Example: <TD NOWRAP>
No. of rows the current cell
should extend itself downward
Example: <TD COLSPAN = “2”>
The number of columns the current
cell should extend itself
Example: <TD ROWSPAN = “5”>
Same as that for <TR>.
The use of caption in html table is as follows.
<TABLE border = "1"
My favorite sports
My favorite sports
define some attributes to the table to define the width of the table,
background color, cell spacing, space within cells and border size.
Each of these attributes will define what the table will look like in the
browser. Each of these attributes may also be
<table bgcolor="#800000">
Let's now define the width of the table by adding
the width parameter to the example. Note: If you omit the width the default
used by browsers will be the width of the browser window used for displaying
the web page:
bgcolor="#800000" width="43%">
In the above example we have set the
table width to be 43% - A Percentage is based upon the window width of the
browser displaying the web page. you can be more specific and define the
table to be X pixels wide by omitting the Percentage sign. The following
example shows the width to be 43 pixels wide instead of 43% of the Window Width:
bgcolor="#800000" width="43">
You can also define the height of the table in percent of window height
or in pixels high. The following example shows defining the height to be
70% of the window height (Note: Not all browsers support the height attribute)
bgcolor="#800000" width="43%" height="70%">
Now, let’s define the Border
width. This defines the outlining border for each cell and how thick it
should be. A Value of 0 will mean no border is to be visible in the
browser. In our example we will use a standard border width of 1:
bgcolor="#800000" width="43%" height="70%" border="1">
Next we will define the spacing of cells
from each other. The Cell spacing attributes is used to define this as
shown in the following example:
bgcolor="#800000" width="43%" height="70%"
border="1" cellspacing="15">
Let's now define the Cell Padding. This is the
amount of spacing to be used within each cell. It tells the browser how
much space to provide between the cell wall and the text and/or graphics within
the cell.
bgcolor="#800000" width="43%" height="70%"
border="1" cellspacing="15" cellpadding="8">
You can also define the Table Border
Color. This color is set on the outside border of the table. In
Microsoft Internet Explorer it will also affect the borders surrounding all
cells. We have defined the following example border color to be Teal:
bgcolor="#800000" width="43%" height="70%"
border="1" cellspacing="15" cellpadding="8" bordercolor="#008080">
The following two attributes are only valid when
displayed in Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x and will override the bordercolor
attribute defined in the previous example. The first is to define a Dark
border color and the second is to define a Light Border color. This is to
provide the ability to create a shadow effect from the Table. In the
following example we have defined Navy as the Dark Color and Silver as the
light color:
bgcolor="#800000" width="43%" height="70%"
border="1" cellspacing="15" cellpadding="8"
bordercolor="#008080" bordercolorlight="#000080" bordercolordark="#FFFFCC">
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