may be added to your web page as easily as links. The <img> tag is used
to define an image. This tag does not have a closing tag. However, there are
parameters defined for this tag. The following example adds an image to a Web
src="sunset.gif" alt=”This will be shown if the image does not
display.” />
The alt parameter is used to define a piece of text
to be displayed for when the browser doesn't successfully load the image. This
can happen if there is a problem with the internet traffic, or if one of the
connections between the server and the client (browser) gets broken, or if the
web surfer clicked on the stop button to stop loading the image.
To define the height and width of the image, rather than letting the
browser compute the size, use the height
and width attributes.
HTML Code:
<img src="sunset.gif" height="50"
width="100" alt=”This will be shown if the image
does not display.” />
Use the align and valign attributes to place images within your body,
tables, or sections.
Below is an example of how to align an image to the
right of a paragraph. Here we are going to align the image to the right side of
the page.
HTML Code:
<p>This is paragraph 1,
yes it is...</p>
<img src="sunset.gif"
align="right" alt=”This
will be shown if the image does not display.” />
The image will appear along the...isn't it?
<p>This is the third paragraph that appears...</p>
Images can be used as a link on a web page. As you can see on many web
pages the small images called thumbnails are used for image links. In this
process image or the thumbnail is placed in an anchor tag. For example
href="" target="_blank"> <img src="myPic.gif"> </a>
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