Increment decrement operator in c
(increment decrement operator overloading c++, difference between increment and decrement operators, increment and decrement operators in java, increment and decrement operators in c, decrement operator in c)
(increment decrement operator overloading c++, difference between increment and decrement operators, increment and decrement operators in java, increment and decrement operators in c, decrement operator in c)
We have seen that in
while, do-while and for loop we write a statement to increase the value of a
variable. For example, we used the statements like counter = counter + 1; which adds 1 to the variable counter. This increment statement is so
common that it is used almost in every repetition structure (i.e. in while,
do-while and for loop). The C language provides a unary operator that increases
the value of its operator by 1. This operator is called increment operator and
sign ++ is used for this. The statement counter = counter + 1; can be
replaced with the statement
counter ++ ;
The statement counter++ adds 1 to the
variable counter. Similarly the expressions i = i + 1 ; and j = j + 1 ;
are equivalent to i++ ; and j++; respectively. There is also an
operator -- called decrement operator. This operator decrements, the
value of its operand by 1. So the statements counter = counter - 1; and j
= j - 1; are equivalent to counter--; and j--; respectively.
The increment operator
is further categorized as pre-increment and post-increment. Similarly, the
decrement operator, as pre-decrement and post-decrement. In pre-increment, we
write the sign before the operand like ++j while in post-increment, the
sign ++ is used after the operand like j++. If we are using only variable
increment, pre or post increment does not matter. In this case, j++ is equivalent to ++j. The difference of pre and post
increment matters when the variable is used in an expression where it is
evaluated to assign a value to another variable. If we use pre-increment (++j
), the value of j is first increased
by 1. This new value is used in the expression. If we use post increment ( j++
), the value of j is used in the expression. After that it is increased by 1.
Same is the case in pre and post decrement.
The operators ++ and -- are used
to increment or decrement the variable by 1. There may be cases when we are
incrementing or decrementing the value of a variable by a number other than 1.
For example, we write counter = counter + 5; or j = j – 4;. Such
assignments are very common in loops, so C provides operators to perform this
task in short. These operators do two things they perform an action (addition,
subtraction etc) and do some assignment. These operators are +=, -=, *=, /= and
%=. These operators are compound assignment operators. These operators assign a
value to the left hand variable after performing an action (i.e. +, -, *, / and
%). The use of these operators is explained by the following examples.
Let’s say we have an
expression, counter = counter + 5;. The equivalent of this expression is
counter += 5;. The statement counter += 5; does two tasks. At first, it adds 5 to the value of counter
and then assigns this result to counter. Similarly the following
x = x
+ 9;
x =
x - 6 ;
x = x * 8 ;
x = x / 4 ;
x = x % 2;
can be written in equivalent
short statements using the operators ( +=, -=, *=, /=, %= ) as follows:
x +=
x -=
6 ;
x *= 8 ;
x /= 4 ;
x %= 2;
Note that there is no
space between these operators. These are treated as single signs. Be careful
about the operator %=. This operator assigns the remaider to the variable.
These operators are alternate in short hand for an assignment statement. The
use of these operators is not necessary. A programmer may use these or not. It
is a matter of style.
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